A Compartive Study of Kihyosinseo, Muyejebo, Muyedobotonggi 체육사 : 기효신서(紀效新書), 무예제보(武藝諸譜), 무예도보통지(武藝圖譜通志) 비교연구(比較硏究)
36(4) 9-23, 1997
A Compartive Study of Kihyosinseo, Muyejebo, Muyedobotonggi 체육사 : 기효신서(紀效新書), 무예제보(武藝諸譜), 무예도보통지(武藝圖譜通志) 비교연구(比較硏究)
The purposes of this study are to compure the contents and the editions in Martial Arts books titled Kihyosinseo(紀效新書), Muyehebo(武藝諸譜), Muyedobotonggi(武藝圖譜通志). In order to identify the similarties and differences of those books, all historical procedures to be published and translations contents were analyzed.
In the comparison of contents, only 6 skills were analyzed, because those 6 skills were commonly described in each book.
In the results of these comparative analyses, findings about Korean and Chinese typical martial arts book are as follows.
First, Muyejebo was made by selectiong 6 skills from Kihyosinseo which were regarded as weak points of Korean army training in a hand-to-hand fight during Japanes invation of Korea in 1592. It was used the editoon of Kihyosinseo in which the introduction was written by Wangsejeong(王世貞) in 1566.
Second, Kihyosinseo, Muyejebo, Muyedobotonggi showed the 6 skill`s descriptives commonly. The content of those 6 skills in Muyejebo and Muyedobotonggi are almost same but more easier expressed understandable than Kihyosinseo.
Third, Muyedobotonggi was differed from Muyejebo that was contributed to develop 24 skills referdnced by 145 sources such as Kihyosinseo(紀效新書), Mubiji(武備志), Yongbieachunga(龍飛御天歌), Dogumrok(刀劍錄), Waegi(倭志), ctc. And eventually those skills were adjusted into Korean traditions. Therefore, Muyedobotonggi should be regarded as a great inheritance in Korea and its creativity on oriental 3 nations` unification in Martial Artials should be standed out to understand of the developmental history in Asian Martial Arts.
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Goal and Practical Problems of Sport Social Philosophy 체육철학 : 스포츠사회철학의 목표와 실천관계
36(4) 27-37, 1997
Goal and Practical Problems of Sport Social Philosophy 체육철학 : 스포츠사회철학의 목표와 실천관계
This study emphasized the significance of inter-disciplinary approach in the sport philosophy research on the assumption that physical education research be developed in balance. The sport social-philosophy suggested as a solution has its goal to realize wholistic physical education that sociology and philosophy could not settle by dividing physical education into sociology and philosophy. It is expected that sport social-philosophy plays a mediation role to settle practical problems existing in humans and society by utilizing philosophical insight and sociological analysis. Following practical problems to realize the goal of sport social-philosophy were discussed; 1) Reasonable sport policy and justice construction, 2) Research and practical direction suggestion on the role of physical education and sports for reducing juvenile misconduct, 3) Realization of idea and value on the moral of sport environment, 4) Breaking prejudice, discrimination, conflict and isolation practices existing in sports, and 5) Establishing and securing sport social-philosophy as an effective academic field.
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Academic Identity of Physical Education and Its Methodology : A Meta-Methodological Study 체육철학 : 체육학의 정체성과 그 방법론에 관한 초방법론적인 고찰
36(4) 38-56, 1997
Academic Identity of Physical Education and Its Methodology : A Meta-Methodological Study 체육철학 : 체육학의 정체성과 그 방법론에 관한 초방법론적인 고찰
What is physical education as an academic discipline? Which methodologies should be incorporated to understand the field of physical education? These have been some of the questions raised by physical education theorists since the disciplinary movement in physical education began. Recently critical sport scientists in Korea began to point out serious identity problems such as the gap between theorists and practitioners, fragmentation and communication blocks of the sub-fields, and sloppy research methods employed by physical education scholars and so on. What has been clearly missing in contemporary physical education scholarship is, as this paper reveals, its own vantage point on research paradigm which is the most fundamental to a proper discipline. In this context, three different and related problems are discussed in this paper :
1) The dominant research paradigm of sport science, whose basic approach is empirical and especially positivistic, and its relationship with contemporary identity problems, 2) critical investigation of alternative research paradigms of physical education to get over the traditional scientism, and, 3) Possibilities of a meta-methodological proposal to improve contemporary disciplinary structure of physical education.
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From the Science of Physical Education to Sport Science 체육철학 : 체육학에서 스포츠학에로
36(4) 57-71, 1997
From the Science of Physical Education to Sport Science 체육철학 : 체육학에서 스포츠학에로
This article tries to analyze the Science of Physical Education, Health, Recreation and Dance on the viewpoint of scientific Structure and presents the Sport Science as a substitute System.
The Science of Physical Education, Health, Recreation and Dance is faced with various dilemma. First of all, The science of Physical Education has a Problem of uncertain Identity. He has his scientific Journal that is called Korean alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. But his subdisciplines take their study objet mainly Sports. Here is to find structural ambiguity the science of physical education.
Second is the Science of Physical Education at oneself scientific System under the scientific influence of Western Nations, because we learn continuously Western Studies and accept it`s knowledge System. From this Background is disorganized the Science of Physical Education.
The Sport Science as the new scientific System appears on the reality of life. Sport is the major Object of Study of Sport Science. This simple Object is studied through the various Perspectives. The Result is organized in form interdisciplinary System. The Sport Science has variou Methods, Interpretational, Dialectical, Action Theoretical, Phenomenological. On this scientific Structure will develops Sport Science as our Science.
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A Study on Experiential Analysis of Physicality and Spatiality of Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics Athletes 체육철학 : 리듬체조 선수들의 신체성과 공간성에 관한 체험분석
36(4) 72-78, 1997
A Study on Experiential Analysis of Physicality and Spatiality of Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics Athletes 체육철학 : 리듬체조 선수들의 신체성과 공간성에 관한 체험분석
Based on the descriptive data of the game experience in athletics collected from 10 participants in this study, the nature and elements of the experiential meaning in their game experiences were analyzed. The experience which is reasonedly drawn from research participants when they participants in the game can be summarized as two categories concerning meaning classification.
Physicality means concrete mode of being that is not confined on the body as material or object.
Under the actual game situation, this experience is composed of particular sense produced in body, condition of athletes, immersion in the game and the sense of one body.
Spatiality is the experience which Rhythmic Gymnastics Athletes always happen to meet in the game and within his self in the game, which is not the concept as quantitative measure but pre-reflection experience.
In other words, Rhythmic Gymnastics Athletes underwent this experience at the place where they play and within field of their own.
In conclusion, the common characteristics of the meaning category were classified in the dimension of two situations and aspects as so far discussed, but this division does not need the process of quantitative or logical analysis in the in was premised on the qualitative situation of the game experience.
It is nothing but the natural experiential phenomenon happening in such conditions and situations. And an attempt was made inquire into it as the classificatory concept of two forms for the sake of convenient division, but the primary experiential phenomenon of the game experience is the complex phenomenal experience as the body of multi-dimensional and diverse meanings.
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A Study on Theory of Unity of human Body and Soul by Thomas Aquinas - Focused on the Existentialism - 체육철학 : 토마스 아퀴나스의 심신통일설(心身統一說)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) - 존재론(存在論)을 중심(中心)으로 -
36(4) 79-89, 1997
A Study on Theory of Unity of human Body and Soul by Thomas Aquinas - Focused on the Existentialism - 체육철학 : 토마스 아퀴나스의 심신통일설(心身統一說)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) - 존재론(存在論)을 중심(中心)으로 -
In Korean athletic tradition, the physical education is inclusive of cultivation of human psyche for even reaching a stage of a Sage, not to speak of practice of human body. Underlying view of physical body in modern physical education philosophy, is "unity of a body and soul", in other words, "human being as a creature who has inseparable body from its soul, to some extent, freeing itself from medieval Christianism. Nevertheless, it is hardly understood that the modern physical education has a view of physical body cultivated into its whole personality. That is simply because the mentality of most physical educator in Korea is still based upon a conventional view of human being, of which physical body is detached from human soul.
In these respects, this study will identify the limitation of dualistic view human being and its nature shown in Thomas Aquinas` philosophy, presenting what the modern "physical education" is headed for.
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The Relationship Between Team Success and Group Cohesion of High School Baseball Teams 스포츠 사회학 : 고교 야구 팀의 집단 응집성과 팀 성공의 관계
36(4) 93-101, 1997
The Relationship Between Team Success and Group Cohesion of High School Baseball Teams 스포츠 사회학 : 고교 야구 팀의 집단 응집성과 팀 성공의 관계
This study examined the relationship between team success and group cohesion in high school baseball teams. The group cohesiveness question instrument made use of the Group Cohesion Questionnaire for Team Sport(GCETS) developed by Lee, Kim & Lee(1992).
The subject of this study was 6 teams(N: 120) of the high school baseball game had involved in the President`s Cup Championship held in March, 1997 and it was selected by the random sampling.
Pearson correlation analyses revealed a significant relationship between group cohesion and team success.
The data were analysed through Multiple Regression Analysis, Correlation Analysis by SPSS/PC + program. Base on the result of the study, the following conclusions appear warranted:
First, group cohesion of baseball teams have no relation team points made.
Second, group-subject of baseball teams have relation team points allows.
Third, personal-subject of baseball teams have relation team percentage of victories.
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The Relatiohships Between the Self-Concepts and the Participation in Mass Sport among Female Adults 스포츠 사회학 : 여성의 생활체육 참가와 자아개념의 관계
박문환MoonHwanPark , 이제홍JaeHongLee
36(4) 102-113, 1997
The Relatiohships Between the Self-Concepts and the Participation in Mass Sport among Female Adults 스포츠 사회학 : 여성의 생활체육 참가와 자아개념의 관계
박문환MoonHwanPark , 이제홍JaeHongLee
The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between the self concepts and the participation in mass sport among female adults.
Data collected through a questionnaire designed for this study consist of fixed-alternative choice response to items constructed to represent the operational definition for each variable. The inventory was administered to 353 female adults.
Statistics employed for data analyses were t-test, oneway repeated ANOVA, Pearson`s product-moment correlation, and multiple regression.
Based upon the results of the study, the following conclusions appear warrented:
1. Female participants in mass sport show positive general and social self-concept than nonparticipants, while there is no significant difference between participants and nonparticipants on the family, emotional and physical self-concept.
2. Female participants in mass sport have most positive family self-concept, compared to other self-concepts subfactors.
3. Duration of mass sport participation has most strong effects on the all sub-factors of self-concept, and rhydmic sport participants has more positive general and emotional self-concept than overcome and competitive sport participats.
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A Study on the Leadership Styles in the Korean Professional Baseball Organization 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 조직 지도자의 리더쉽 행동유형에 관한 연구
36(4) 114-124, 1997
A Study on the Leadership Styles in the Korean Professional Baseball Organization 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 조직 지도자의 리더쉽 행동유형에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between leadership styles and organizational effectiveness in the Korean professional baseball organization. More specially, the study aimed: (1) to analyze the effects of the leadership styles on the maturity of the subordinates, (2), to assess the effects of the leadership styles on the organizational effectiveness; and (3) to examine the relative effects of leadership styles on organizational climates.
In order to achieve the aforementioned purposes, the relevant data were gathered from 185 professional baseball players. The statistical techniques used for the analysis of this study were Pearson`s correlation and multiple regression analysis.
The results of this study are as follows:
First, `telling` is the main leadership style that influences the job maturity of the players.
Second, `telling` is the main leadership style that influence the member satisfaction of the players.
Third, `participating` and `delegating` are the main leadership styles that influences the intimacy of the players.
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The Relationship Between Sociodemographic characteristics and Sport Participation Among Community Adults 스포츠 사회학 : 지역사회 주민의 사회인구학적 특성에 따른 생활체육 참여도에 관한 연구
36(4) 125-133, 1997
The Relationship Between Sociodemographic characteristics and Sport Participation Among Community Adults 스포츠 사회학 : 지역사회 주민의 사회인구학적 특성에 따른 생활체육 참여도에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sociodemographic characteristics and sport participation among community adults. Specifically, the main purpose of this study was to analyze the difference of sport participation according to the sociodemographic characteristics of community adults, namey sex, age, income, educational level, health.
Subjects of this study were sampled 415 adults over 20 years old who live in Songpa-Gu by multistage stratified random sampling ; male : 224, female : 191. Statistics employed in this study were t-test and oneway-ANOVA.
Based on the procedures and results, the following conclusions were warranted :
First, sex has an influence on sport participation That is, there is difference in sport participation according to sex and female is more high than male.
Second, age has no influence on sport participation That is, there isn`t difference in sport participation according to age, but over 60 years old is the highest.
Third, educational level has no influence on sport participation That is, there isn`t difference in sport participation according to age, but "over 60 years old" is the highest.
Forth, income has influence on sport participation That is, there is difference in sport participation according to income, and "over three hundred thousand Won" is the highest.
Fifth, health has influence on sport participation That is, there is difference in sport participation according to health, and "very weak" is the highest.
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The Influence of Sport Socialization Agent on Commitment to Soccer among Children 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠사회화 주관자가 아동의 축구개입에 미치는 영향
채재성JaeSungChae , 임번장BurnJangLim
36(4) 134-142, 1997
The Influence of Sport Socialization Agent on Commitment to Soccer among Children 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠사회화 주관자가 아동의 축구개입에 미치는 영향
채재성JaeSungChae , 임번장BurnJangLim
The purpose of this study is in process of Socialization about children into Sports and Commitment to soccer affected by socialization agent`s interest and encouragement. To analyse and examine makes use of the experience of measured data.
The subject of this Study, participated in the soccer class of famous players about 255 children in seoul, reaches to a conclusion as follows.
1. Children, Commitment to soccer, were affected by socialization agent`s interest of sports socialization according to friend, father.
2. Children, Commitment to Soccer, were affected by socialization agent`s encouragement of sports socialization according to father, mother, friend.
3. Children, Commitment to Soccer, were affected by socialization agent`s encouragement and interest of sports socialization according to father`s encouragement, friend`s interest, mother`s encouragement, mother`s interest.
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The Study of Corporal Punishment on the Junior & Hish School Student Athletics 스포츠 사회학 : 중 · 고등학교 운동선수의 활동 및 체벌실태(體罰實態) 연구
36(4) 143-162, 1997
The Study of Corporal Punishment on the Junior & Hish School Student Athletics 스포츠 사회학 : 중 · 고등학교 운동선수의 활동 및 체벌실태(體罰實態) 연구
The purposes of this study were to survey the corporal punishment situation and its several effects on the junior and high school student athletics and to suggest educational directions for the ideal way of the corporal punishment.
The method imployed in this study was the questionnaire which contents included the sporting activity factors, the corporal punishment experiences, and feeling on the necessity of punishment. The samples consisted of 400 student athletics in Seoul and Kyong-In areas, and 307 cases were used for an analysis.
The results showed that 95% of student athletics had the experience of corporal punishment. The corporal punishment on student athletics were carried out without any educational concerns and any reasonable methods such as punishment tools, frequencies, strength. In addition, the student athletics thought that there were no positive effects of the corporal punishment and they strongly disagreed with the necessity of punishment.
Conclusively, if the corporal punishment is needed in the educational fields, seriously reconsider the problem of punishment in order to help student athletics for their normal education. They are the students. They treated as student not as athletics. They had the fundamental right to be educated. To solve this problems, the educators should have constant philosophy about the corporal punishment.
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The Cognitive Developmental Function on Speeded performance of Three Motor Tasks
Kim Kyoung-nae
36(4) 165-176, 1997
The Cognitive Developmental Function on Speeded performance of Three Motor Tasks
Kim Kyoung-nae
Kail discovered that on cognitive tasks reaction times for children were a constant proportion of reaction times for adults. The proportions remain relatively constant for an age group across a variety of cognitive tasks. In the present study the ubiquity of the constant proportion finding was examined in the motor domain. The motor performance of six year old children and adults was compared on three motor skills: peg transfer, maximum rate finger tapping, and Fitts` reciprocal movement task. Children were significantly slower than the adults on all of the tasks. In accordance with Kail`s work, within each task the movement times for children were a constant proportion of the movement times for adults. The proportions for the pegboard and tapping tasks were similar to the proportions reported by Kail, but in the Fitts` task Kail`s equation did not describe the data accurately. These results lead to the suggestion that the speed of motor task performance is not limited solely by cognitive processes.
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The Effect of the Age and Interpolate Activity During the Post-Knowledge of Result Interval on Performance and Learning 스포츠 심리학 : 결과지식 제시 후 간삽활동이 연령별 운동수행 및 학습에 미치는 영향
박상용SangYongPark , 최덕묵DukMookChi , 이배익BaeIkLee
36(4) 177-185, 1997
The Effect of the Age and Interpolate Activity During the Post-Knowledge of Result Interval on Performance and Learning 스포츠 심리학 : 결과지식 제시 후 간삽활동이 연령별 운동수행 및 학습에 미치는 영향
박상용SangYongPark , 최덕묵DukMookChi , 이배익BaeIkLee
At present, the interpolated activity(IPA) during the post-KR interval in relation to KR was studied profoundly. The purpose of this study is to examine the difference in the performance and learning of interpolated activity during post-KR interval and to examine the difference in the three age groups. The subject were at the age of 7,13 and 20. The main task was throwing tennis ball in the circled target and the secondary task was solving the problems of cognitive mathmatics. This study established the research hypothesis that there are the difference between IPA conditions, the differnce in the three age groups and interaction effects between IPA conditions and age on motor performance and learning. The three-way ANOVA with repeated measures conducted in the acquition phase showed significant differences in IPA groups and groups. Two-way ANOVA conducted in the retention phase resulted in significant differences in the three age groups and between IPA conditions. But, both the acquition and the retention phase did not show the significant difference in the interaction effects between IPA conditions and age.
The results can be summarized as followes :
1) The motor performance and learning were significant difference between the IPA conditions. The IPA affected negatively motor skill acquition and retention.
2) The absolute error in the motor skill acquition and retention were decreased as the age increase
3) There was not a significant interaction effects between IPA conditions and age
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Interpolated Activity, Knowledge of Result, Post-Knowledge of Result, Information Processing
The Effects of Summary Knowledge of Performance on the Performance and Learning of Open Motor Skills 스포츠 심리학 : 수행지식의 요약 횟수가 개방기술의 수행과 학습에 미치는 영향
정상택SangTackChung , 김귀봉GuiBongKim
36(4) 186-192, 1997
The Effects of Summary Knowledge of Performance on the Performance and Learning of Open Motor Skills 스포츠 심리학 : 수행지식의 요약 횟수가 개방기술의 수행과 학습에 미치는 영향
정상택SangTackChung , 김귀봉GuiBongKim
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A Comparative Study on the Caloric Expenditure of Aerobic Dance Based on Gender 스포츠 생리학 : 유산소성 무용의 성별 칼로리 소요량 비교 연구
36(4) 201-212, 1997
A Comparative Study on the Caloric Expenditure of Aerobic Dance Based on Gender 스포츠 생리학 : 유산소성 무용의 성별 칼로리 소요량 비교 연구
The purpose of this study was to determine the caloric expenditure of aerobic dance, and determine any differences in the caloric expenditures between males and females.
Thirty seven subjects, eleven males and twenty six females, were used in this study. Each subject was involved in a four stage sub-maximal modified Balke test. On a separate occasion, heart rate was monitored during an aerobic dance workout.
Mean caloric costs were computed in terms of calories per minute and calories per pound per minute. These means were statistically analyzed using a T-test at the .05 level of significance to determine whether the male and female caloric cost values were significantly different. Confidence limits were also computed for each mean.
As a result of the findings of this study, the following conclusions concerning aerobic dance at K university were made:
1. There is a significant difference between the caloric expenditures of males and females engaged in an aerobic dance workout.
2. Aerobic dance is similar in caloric cost to other aerobic type activities that can be used in exercise prescription and weight control programs.
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Responses of the Cardiac Function during Postural Changes by Tilt Table 스포츠 생리학 : 경사대를 이용한 신체 자세 변화시 심장기능의 변화
In order to study the cardiac functional responses on postural changes by tilt table, 6 males were selected, and impedance cardiogram were recorded. An experiment was continuously conducted based on resting in a supine position, changing posture and recovering in supine for each 5 min Postural changes consisted of seven tilting angles ; 0°, ±2°, ±45° and ±90°
1. While the cardiac output was decreased from that of supine resting in head up posture because of decreasing stroke volume and increasing heart rate, cardiac output was increased by increasing stroke volume during head down posture.
2. At ±45° and ±90° postures, measured parameters were significantly changed in 5 sec after postural changes, but at 0° and ±2° postures, measured parameters were no significant difference from that of supine resting state.
The cardiac output is the product of heart rate and stroke volume, but during postural changes stroke volume by fluid shift was main affecter to cardiac output. In conclusion, responses of cardiac function during postural changes are like to start with postural change, and magnitude of cardiac response is like to relate with the tilting angle.
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Field Test for the Evaluation of Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance in Middle Distance Runners 스포츠 생리학 : 중거리선수의 유 · 무산소성 능력 평가를 위한 필드 테스트
36(4) 224-238, 1997
Field Test for the Evaluation of Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance in Middle Distance Runners 스포츠 생리학 : 중거리선수의 유 · 무산소성 능력 평가를 위한 필드 테스트
This investigation examined the field test for the evaluation of aerobic and anaerobic performance in middle distance runners through the incremental track running of speed and 5set intermitant 30m sprint of maximal speed.
In the laboratory test, the endurance capacity as VO₂max and anarobic threshold of elite runner group showed a significantly higher values than non-elite runner group in graded maximal testing, and the power output of elite runner group showed a significant higher values than non-elite runner group in Wingate test. In the field test, the speed corresponding to 4mM of blood lactate of elite runner group showed a significantly higher values than non-elite runner group in the incremental track running, and the mean speed of elite runner group showed a significantly higher values than non-elite runner group in 5set intermitant 30m sprint running. The speed corresponding to 4mM of blood lactate in the incremental track running closely correlated with the endurance capacity as VO₂max and anarobic threshold of laboratory test, but there was no significant relationship between the power output of Wingate test and the maximal speed of 5 set intermitant 30m sprint running. This results support the use of the speed corresponding to 4mM of blood lactate in the incremental track running for the evaluation of aerobic performance, however, 5set intermitant 30m sprint running can not be suggested the field test of anaerbic performance.
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An Analysis of Physical Fitness Characteristics for Dancers 스포츠 생리학 : 무용수의 체력발달 특성 분석
김재호JaeHoKim , 이윤경YoonKyungLee
36(4) 239-247, 1997
An Analysis of Physical Fitness Characteristics for Dancers 스포츠 생리학 : 무용수의 체력발달 특성 분석
김재호JaeHoKim , 이윤경YoonKyungLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate and analysis body composition, basic physical fitness, and isokinetic torque values of the knee for dancers and determine dancers` physical fitness characteristics.
The subjects in this study were thirteen female dancers (six modern dancers, three Korean traditional dancers, and three ballerinas) with more than nine years of experience in dancing and ten females who had no experience in dancing. The dependant variables were %Fat, BMI, WHR, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, power, balance, agility, isokinetic torque values of the knee (muscular strength, muscular endurance, muscular power), ipsilateral balance ratio, and bilateral balance ratio. The results indicated that dancers had lower %Fat and WHR, smaller waist circumference than non-dancers. Also, dancers had superior basic physical fitness such as flexibility, balance, cadiovascular endurance, power, and muscular endurance.
In isokinetic torque values of the knee, the muscular endurance (extensors, flexors), muscular strength (extensors), and mean power for dancers were significantly higher than those of non-dancers. This results implicated that an expert dancer required the appropriate physique and physical fitness development.
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A Study on the Effect of Moxibustion Stimulus Hand GOT, GPT Glucose and Cholesterol in the Blood of the Human Body 스포츠 생리학 : 수지(手指)에 뜸 자극(刺戟)이 인체(人體)의 간기능, 당뇨 및 고지혈증에 미치는 영향(影響)
남병집ByungJipNam , 정한영HanYoungJung
36(4) 248-255, 1997
A Study on the Effect of Moxibustion Stimulus Hand GOT, GPT Glucose and Cholesterol in the Blood of the Human Body 스포츠 생리학 : 수지(手指)에 뜸 자극(刺戟)이 인체(人體)의 간기능, 당뇨 및 고지혈증에 미치는 영향(影響)
남병집ByungJipNam , 정한영HanYoungJung
This study, designed as the dialectical study, was intended to inqurie into how GOT, GPT, Glucose and Cholesterol changed in blood was provided to the spot of hand in the indirect moxibustion sitmulus method. Then, am analysis was maed of the concrete experimental results.
The issus of this study involved investigating the effect that indirect moxibustion stimulus to hand had do the human body when it was provided to the hand of the unhealthy man whose hand of GOT, GPT, Glucose and Cholesterol in blood plasma were normal for 3 months(providing stimulus 3-5 times on the same spot of hand in each administration of medical treatment 5 time a week)
To reaolve this problem, indirect moxibustion stimulus was provided for three months for 5 male healthy subjects and 5 unhealthy subject who had abnormal hand of GOT, GPT, Glucose and Cholesterol in blood, of enrollees in the health-related course of the "Koryo hand therapy institute".
As a result, the following hand were obtained.
1. The unhealthy peraons whose hand had abnormalities of GOT, GPT, Glucose and Cholesterol in blood plasma showed the significant decreased values of GOT(pre 89.00∼post 49.80), GPT(pre 86.00∼post 49.80), and Glucose (pre 157.80∼post 116.80)in their blood dfter indirect moxibustion stimulus was provided for them.
2. They showed within the normal reduced value of Cholesterol(pre 206.00∼post 178.60) in blood.
3. The healthy subjects whosehand had no abnormality of GOT(pre 19.20∼post 20.40), GPT(pre 15.80∼post 15.00), Glucose(pre 93.00∼post 86.60) and Cholesterol(pre 157.60∼post 178.00) in blood showed changesinthem within the normal range.
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Effects of Physique and Motor Fitness of Infants on the Motor Fitness and Concern to Their Children of Parents 스포츠 생리학 : 부모의 체력관련요인과 자녀에 대한 관심도가 유아의 체격 및 체력에 미치는 영향
민경선KyngSunMin , 손기수KiSuSon , 배기열KiYoulBea
36(4) 256-264, 1997
Effects of Physique and Motor Fitness of Infants on the Motor Fitness and Concern to Their Children of Parents 스포츠 생리학 : 부모의 체력관련요인과 자녀에 대한 관심도가 유아의 체격 및 체력에 미치는 영향
민경선KyngSunMin , 손기수KiSuSon , 배기열KiYoulBea
This study investigated the motor ability, physique and the conditions of parents for 231 kindergaten students at the age of 4 ∼ 6, and the results that the factors of the enviornment influence the infant`s motor ability are as follows:
(1) At the item asking the health grade of the parents, the higher the health grade of parents makes the better the motor ability and physique of the children Especially the motor ability and physique is depend upon the health grade of mother.
(2) At the item asking the parent`s interest in sports, the higher the parent`s interest in sports makes the better the children`s motor ability and physique. And the children`s motor ability more depends on the father`s interest in sports.
(3) At the item asking the playing time with infants, the more spent time in playing with parents makes the better children`s motor ability and physique. Especially the children`s motor ability and physique depend on spent time in playing with father.
This study`s conclusion are that infants whose parents are health, a lot of playing time with their children are more exellent in physique and motor ability than who are not.
Upon this, for sustain and development of the health, parents have concern and conciousness of the physical education and have necessity of practical attitude with their children.
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The Effect of Participation in Program of Gymnastics Class on Motor Ability in Children 스포츠 생리학 : 체조교실 참여가 어린이들의 운동능력 발달에 미치는 영향
36(4) 265-276, 1997
The Effect of Participation in Program of Gymnastics Class on Motor Ability in Children 스포츠 생리학 : 체조교실 참여가 어린이들의 운동능력 발달에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of participation in gymnastics exercise training class on motor ability in children. An experimental group of 100 and control group of 100 consisting of 10 males and females ranging from 7 to 11 years of age were the subjects of study. The experiment was designed was according to a factorial ANOVA participation×sex×age difference. The duration of this study was one year. The results are as follows:
The experimental group showed more improvement than the control group in the events of muscular strength, power, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and coordination. Agility was enhanced in two of three events and muscle strength showed no notable enhancement.
After the participation in the program, the events in which males showed notable enhancement compared with females was left grip strength. The events in which males showed superiorty over females before and after the program were the standing long jump and vital capacity. Females showed considerably low competence in sit-ups, the 50m dash, and the rolling. However, after participation the discrepancies between males and females were almost non- existent. On the other hand, males showed inferiorty to females in the 400m run and trunk flexion but performance evened out after participation. The events where there were no discrepancies between males and females were right grip strength, Sargent jump, side step, shuttle run, whole body reaction time, and trunk extension.
The characteristics per age group varied considerably in physical aspects due to participation in the program. The respective age groups in the experimental group showed superiorty over the control group in muscular strength, power, flexibility, and coordination. Eleven year olds, 10 year olds, and 7·10·11 year olds in the experimental group showed superiorty over the control group in muscle strength, agility, and cardiovascular endurance respectively.
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Changes of Blood Lactate, Epinephrine and Norepinephrine from Recovery Patterns after Treadmill Exercise in College Women 스포츠 생리학 : 여대생의 트레드밀운동후 회복방법에 따른 혈중젖산 및 Epinephrine, Norepinephrine 의 변화
백광현KwangHyunBaik , 최건식KunSikChoi , 박철빈ChulBinPark
36(4) 277-291, 1997
Changes of Blood Lactate, Epinephrine and Norepinephrine from Recovery Patterns after Treadmill Exercise in College Women 스포츠 생리학 : 여대생의 트레드밀운동후 회복방법에 따른 혈중젖산 및 Epinephrine, Norepinephrine 의 변화
백광현KwangHyunBaik , 최건식KunSikChoi , 박철빈ChulBinPark
The purposes of this study were 1) to determine changes of blood lactate concentration during incremental treadmill exercise for the training and non-training groups; 2) to investigate the concentration of blood lactate disappearance from recovery patterns after treadmill exercise ; 3) to analyze changes of plasma epinephrine(Ep) and norepinephrine(Nep) during exercise and recovery.
The subjects were consisted of 16 college women (7 basketball athletes and 9 non-trained students) with the mean age of 22 years who are following at Physical Education department in S womens university.
The results are :
1) Blood lactate concentration during 6, 8, 10, and 12 min of incremental maximal exercise load were significantly (p<.05) low in training group compare to non-training group. 2) Blood lactate concentrations at recovery after a brief period of maximal exercise load was found to be significantly low (p<.01) in training group compared to non-training group. 3) Recovery rate of blood lactate after a brief period of maximal exercise load was significantly high(p<.05) in active recovery method compared to passive recovery method. 4) There was no significant change in plasma Ep for training and non-training groups at passive and active recovery after a brief period of high relative intensity exercise load. However, plasma Ep was significantly low(p<.05) in training group compared to non-training group. 5) There was no significant change in plasma Nep for training and non-training groups at passive and active recovery after a brief period of high relative intensity exercise load. However, no significant difference was found in plasma Nep between training and non-training groups. 6) There was no difference in Ep and Nrep after a brief period of high relative intensity exercise load for active and passive recovery respectively. 7) No relationship could be observed between Ep and Nrep concentration and maximal capillary blood lactate values after a brief period of high relative intensity exercise load.
In conclusion, blood lactate concentration were significantly low in training group during absolute exercise load compared to non-training group. Recovery of blood lactate concentration after exercise was also faster in training group compared to non-training group. Especially, active recovery at rest was found to be more effective blood lactate disappearance. There was no change in Ep and Nep after a brief period of high relative intensity exercise load. Concentration of Ep and Nep were not affected by recovery method and it did not show any evidence of influence from blood lactate concentration.
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Pre-exercise Injection of Branched-Chain Amino Acids and Carbohydrate Supplementation to Exercise Performance and Physiological Fatigue Element Changes 스포츠 생리학 : 운동전 Branched-Chain Amino Acids 와 탄수화물 가중 투여가 운동수행 및 피로에 미치는 영향
36(4) 292-306, 1997
Pre-exercise Injection of Branched-Chain Amino Acids and Carbohydrate Supplementation to Exercise Performance and Physiological Fatigue Element Changes 스포츠 생리학 : 운동전 Branched-Chain Amino Acids 와 탄수화물 가중 투여가 운동수행 및 피로에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the exercise performance time and physiological fatigue elements(blood lactic acid, ammonia, inorganic phosphate, pH, rectal temperature) changes following injection of BCAA and Carbohydrate supplementation conditions. The subjects of present study were divided into trained group(T) who were university rugby players(n=10) and untrained group(UT) who were university students(n=10). All subjects participated in VO2max test and four different experimental conditions which were ; 75% VO2max, 75% VO2max after BCAA injection, 75% VO2max after CHO supplementation, and 75% VO2max after CHO supplementation and BCAA injection. All the experimental conditions were continued until subjects stopped because of fatigue.
In the VO2max test, there were significant VO2max differences between T(VO2max=63.48 ml/kg/min) and UT(VO2max=50.42 ml/kg/min) groups(p<.05). The longest exercise performance was 75 % CHO supplementation condition for both the T and UT groups. In the VO2 max test, there were significant differences in the mean blood lactate concentration at the end of the exercise between the T and UT groups(p< .05), but there were no significant differences in the mean blood lactate concentration at the end of four different 75% experimental conditions for both the T and UT groups(p >.05). In the VO2 max test, the mean blood ammonia concentration had significant differences between the T and UT groups at the end of the exercise(p<.05). The mean blood ammonia concentration had significant differences at the end of four different 75% experimental conditions in the T group(p< .05), but there were no significant differences in the UT group(p >.05). In the VO2 max test, there were no significant differences in the mean blood inorganic phosphate concentration at the end of the exercise between the T and UT groups(p<.05), but there were significant differences in the mean blood inorganic phosphate concentration at the end of four different 75% experimental conditions for both the T and UT groups(p<.05). In the VO2 max test, the mean blood creatine kinase concentration were no significant differences at the end of the exercise between the T and UT groups(p>.05), but the mean blood creatine
kinase concentration at the end of four different 15% experimental conditions had significant differences in the T groups(p< .05), and there were no significant differences in the UT group(p >.05). In the VO2 max test, there were significant differences in the mean blood pH at the end of the exercise between the T and UT groups(p<.05), and also there were significant differences in the mean blood pH at the end of four different 75% experimental conditions for both the T and UT groups(p<.05). In the VO2 max test, the mean rectal temperature had no significant differences at the end of the exercise between the T and UT groups(p>.05), but the mean rectal temperature at the end of four different 75% experimental conditions were significant differences for both the T and
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Changes of Cytokines to Cognitive and Physical Stress 스포츠 생리학 : 인지적, 신체적 스트레스가 인체 면역활성화 물질 변화에 미치는 영향
은희관HeeGowanEun , 임인수InSuIm
36(4) 308-317, 1997
Changes of Cytokines to Cognitive and Physical Stress 스포츠 생리학 : 인지적, 신체적 스트레스가 인체 면역활성화 물질 변화에 미치는 영향
은희관HeeGowanEun , 임인수InSuIm
The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of HR, Interleukin-2(IL-2), and INF-γ (Interferone-γ) to maximal exercise induced physical stress by running on treadmill and to cognitive stress by riding a speedy train(Roller Coaster). The HR was recorded at 10sec intervals by PE-3000. Blood samples were taken from antecubital vein in pre-, post-0, post-30min treatment. Subjects were all 14 who were 7 male and 7 female students in NS university and data was analyzed by MANOVA of SPSS. The results were summarized as follows:
1. The changes of HR in immediately after all treatment were significantly increased in the maximal exercise than pre-treatment and there were significant difference between of treatment.
2. The changes of IL-2 and INF-γ were significantly different among the 3 conditions(rest, immediatly, and recovery time).
3. The changes of IL-2 were not significantly different between physical and cognitive stresses.
4. The changes of INF-γ in immediately after exercise were significantly decreased in physical stress than cognitive stress. But both of treatment in recovery time after treatment were significantly increased than pre-treatment.
In conclusion, both of physical and cognitive stress had an effect on the change in HR and cytokine. These results suggested that both physical and cognitive stresses have harmful effects on immune system
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The Effects of Aero · Unaero Mixing Aerobic Dance with Weight Training on Body Fat Skinfold and Physical Fitness Changes in College Women 스포츠 생리학 : 유 · 무산소성 복합 에어로빅 댄스 훈련이 피하지방 및 체력에 미치는 영향
36(4) 318-325, 1997
The Effects of Aero · Unaero Mixing Aerobic Dance with Weight Training on Body Fat Skinfold and Physical Fitness Changes in College Women 스포츠 생리학 : 유 · 무산소성 복합 에어로빅 댄스 훈련이 피하지방 및 체력에 미치는 영향
The effects of aero·unaero mixing aerobic dance with weight training on body fat skinfold and physical fitness changes were investigated. The 2-types of aerobic dance training groups, one was aero-aerobic dance training group< AD >, the other was aero-anaero mixing aerobic dance training group< AAD >. The training regimen involved 12 weeks. ; 1-4wk. basic fitness program, 4-8 wk, 40min×2/day, 5/week of and 30 min ×2/day 5/week of basic aerobic dance training program. 9-12wk, 60 min×2/day, 5/week of basic aerobic dance works program and audition rehersal. AAD have worked 6 events of weight training additionally. Exercise intensity was about 75% 1RM×10, 3 sets relatively. By one-way analysis of variance with repeated measures in a condition by training interval and by two-way analysis of variance measures or analysis of covariance measures design between groups were used. The significant differences is p<0.05.
The results obtained are summarized as follows :
1. in AD, triceps(8wk) and suprailiac skinfold thickness(8,12wk) were decreased significantly(p<0.05).
2. in AAD, suprailiac skinfold(8, 12wk) and %body fat(12wk) were decreased significantly(p<0.05, p<0.01). On physical fitness variables, muscle endurance(8, 12wk)was incerased significantly(p<0.05).
3. The AAD showed more positive training effects on variables. Especially, %body fat(8wk) was decreased and, front flexibility(12wk) was increased significantly(p<0.05).
Comparison of Cardiorespiration function between Exercised-Induced Hypertension Group, Hypertension Group, and Normal Group with Graded Exercise Test 스포츠 생리학 : 점증적 운동부하시 운동유발성 고혈압군(Exercise-Induced Hypertension)과 고혈압군, 정상군간의 호흡순환기능 비교
Comparison of Cardiorespiration function between Exercised-Induced Hypertension Group, Hypertension Group, and Normal Group with Graded Exercise Test 스포츠 생리학 : 점증적 운동부하시 운동유발성 고혈압군(Exercise-Induced Hypertension)과 고혈압군, 정상군간의 호흡순환기능 비교
People(N=47) in normal range of blood pressure at rest are designated as `Exercise-induced hypertension if it above 230mmHg in Systolic or below 110mmHg in Diastolic under the grade exercise test. People(N=53) who were diagnosed as high blood pressure at rest are classified as `Hypertension group`. People who were in normal blood pressure range at rest and during the graded exercise test are classified as normal group. Physical characteristics and HR, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, exercise duration, VO₂ max for each stage of the grade exercise test were compared and analyzed. Results are as follows;
1. There was a group difference for HR at rest(p<.05).
2. There was a group difference for systolic BP on all stages(p <.001).
3. There was a group difference for diastolic BP on all stages(p< .001).
4. There was no group difference for exercise duration(p >.05).
5. There was no group difference for VO₂ max(p>.05).
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The Influence of regional Midsole Hardness of Forefoot and Rearfoot on Rearfoot Control Variables and Torsion Angle in Running 운동역학 : 전족과 후족의 부위별 경도가 후족제어 및 Torsion의 크기에 미치는 영향
곽창수ChangSooKwak , 이계산KyeSanLee
36(4) 337-347, 1997
The Influence of regional Midsole Hardness of Forefoot and Rearfoot on Rearfoot Control Variables and Torsion Angle in Running 운동역학 : 전족과 후족의 부위별 경도가 후족제어 및 Torsion의 크기에 미치는 영향
곽창수ChangSooKwak , 이계산KyeSanLee
The purpose of this study were to develop an optimal midsole hardness of running shoes with rearfoot stability and torsional angle. Ten elite male college long-distance runners were selected as subjects.
The midsole materials of the shoes used in this study was made of KMS-6 with 4 × 4 forefoot-rearfoot hardness combinations. Hardness levels of 62, 60, 58 and 52 deg were used for the forefoot while those of 58, 56, 52 and 48 deg were used for the rearfoot. Two 16mm high speed cine cameras, 4 video cameras were used to obtain the rearfoot control variables and torsion variables.
From the data analysis, the following observations were made:
1. The initial achilles tendon angle tended to increase as the midsole hardness got softer. But the initial change of achilles tendon angle were not affected by the midsole hardness.
2. The maximal achilles tendon angle increased as the midsple hardness were harder. The total change of achilles tendon angle showed larger as the the harder midsole hardness.
3. The initial change of torsional angle decreased as the midsole hardness was harder. The maximal change of torsional angle tended to increase as the midsole hardness was softer.
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Analysis of the Anatomical Kinematics at the Joints during the Roundhouse Kick in Taekwondo 운동역학 : 태권도 돌려차기시 관절운동의 분석
김상복SangBokKim , 김주선JooSunKim
36(4) 348-360, 1997
Analysis of the Anatomical Kinematics at the Joints during the Roundhouse Kick in Taekwondo 운동역학 : 태권도 돌려차기시 관절운동의 분석
김상복SangBokKim , 김주선JooSunKim
This research has its aim in analyzing characteristics of 3-D multi-axial motions and relative angular motions between each segments centered on the hip joint when the roundhouse kick, one of the most basic kicking techniques in Taekwondo, is executed.
In order to accomplish this research agenda, eight Taekwondoists were chosen as subjects of this study. Local axes were embedded on each segments of lower extremities and the hip joint, Then, Cadan Angles were applied to calculate the relative angles of each segment and to analyze kinematic variables found in the process. The following conclusions were found.
In order to execute quick and effective roundhouse kick, priority must be given to the training of minimizing the time taken by gradually increasing the velocity of the kick toward the direction of kicking just before the maximum knee flextion.
Three-dimensional angular motions originating from the hip joint must be in the state of maximum external rotation just before knee extension.
On impact, on the other hand, it must be in the state of maximum internal rotation and maximum abduction. Also, by fixing the hip joint, the knee joint serves as the pivoting point to make the rotation of ankle joint and tiptoe possible. It is essential to properly understand relative relationships found in flexion/extension, adduction/abduction, and internal/external rotation.
The most important characteristics of the roundhouse kick is enabling the endpoint of distal segment to have maximum velocity on impact through harmonious transfer of the velocity from proximal segment to the distal segment.
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Simulation Study of the Handicap Scoring System in Tennis
Kim Yeung-hoon , Kim Yoon-ho , Jeong Jin-hwa
36(4) 361-367, 1997
Simulation Study of the Handicap Scoring System in Tennis
Kim Yeung-hoon , Kim Yoon-ho , Jeong Jin-hwa
We are suggesting a scoring system in this study as follow: the inferior can play a game an equal terms with the superior by making good use of the handicap.
We are compared four kinds of scoring system, System 1(conventional scoring system), System 2(conventional scoring system with the handicap 1), System 3(conventional scoring system with the handicap 2), System 4(conventional scoring with the handicap 3) using the Monte Calro simulation.
We know that System 2 increases the possibilities for the inferior play to score sets, and System 3 and System 4 have a tendency to make a more equal set. In conclusion, to introduce a handicap into a conventional scoring system would allow one to play a more competitive game in addition to being easier.
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A Study on Kinematic Factors of 100m Running 운동역학 : 단거리(短距離) 달리기에 있어서 Kinematic적(的) 요인(要因)에 관한 연구(硏究) 분석(分析)
In this study, the effects of Kinematic factor on the record of 100-meter sprint were investigated. Dividing 100-meter into start phase (0m - 10m), middle phase (45m - 55m) and final phase (90m - 100m), we analyzed the impulse of Kinematic variable and phase velocity, acceleration, stride frequence, the time of each behavior, height of the center of body, stride length, the center of body, the center of foot, angle of upper body, angle of joint and its acceleration through the Kinematic analysis and the measurement of sectional time, The data were selected from 6 high school and college male athletes including 96 National representation in 100-meter sprint, The analysis of motions was conducted by 3-dimensional Kinematic analysis with DLT, We concluded the followings:
1. The maximum speed of good athletes was appeared later, Starting reaction time of expert athlete is twice faster than that of nonexpert athlete.
2. I think, to increase the horizontal speed of a nonexpert athlete, he should reduce the supporting time and minimize the vertical speed, High vertical center of the gravity and a big up and down during running was not good in reducing the record.
3. I think, It needs the strong leg muscle strength for a longer flight length and quick motion of pelvic angle, ankle, knee angle rather than increasing stride length, For a nonexpert athlete, it needs to fix a suitable stride length and make the stride frequency bigger.
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The Effects of Skill Analysis Training on Qualitative Analytic Abilities of Prospective Coaches 스포츠 교육학 : 기능 분석 훈련이 스포츠 기능의 질적 분석 능력에 미치는 영향
36(4) 381-391, 1997
The Effects of Skill Analysis Training on Qualitative Analytic Abilities of Prospective Coaches 스포츠 교육학 : 기능 분석 훈련이 스포츠 기능의 질적 분석 능력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of skill analysis training on prospective coaches` sport skill analysis abilities. To solve the suggested research questions, skill analysis instruments developed for analyzing three different sport skills were applied to selected 19 subjects and the resulting data were analyzed for different sport skill levels. Subjects qualitatively analyzed three different sport skills of tennins serve, badminton smashing and bowling skill through video by using `sport skill analysis instrument` as soon as they had gone through 4 months` skill analysis training. As the result of analyzing the collected data, the following conclusions were drawn: The most effective way of improving skill analysis abilities is to apply the skill analysis training into those who had experience of specific sport skill performance on a certain level or those who are learning the specified sport skills.
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Positioning Strategies with Reference to Image Perception of Golf Course Service Quality 스포츠행정 경영 : 골프장 서비스품질 이미지 지각에 따른 포지셔닝 전략
김시덕SiDuckKim , 김학신YooSangYoun , 윤우상HakShinKim
36(4) 395-403, 1997
Positioning Strategies with Reference to Image Perception of Golf Course Service Quality 스포츠행정 경영 : 골프장 서비스품질 이미지 지각에 따른 포지셔닝 전략
김시덕SiDuckKim , 김학신YooSangYoun , 윤우상HakShinKim
Competing golf courses were controlled in order to grape the strong and weak points in terms of competing. Multidimensional Scaling system was used to grape the competing structure of golf course service quality images. This system functions as an important guide in positioning strategies. That is, it gives one an overall view of where one ideal point golf course located compared to other competing golf courses in the scaling system through the consumers ideal image perspection.
The results showed that the competing images of Hanyang, New Core and Anyang golf courses were relatively high; where as, the competing images of Kwan-Ak and Nam-Seoul golf courses were relatively low. Additionally, the results of analyzing the ideal point of subdivisions indicated that the relative locations of individual golf courses and property directions showed the ideal point of the service property subdivision marketings and ideal properties. Especially, the subdivisions segment market 1(P) and segement market 2(Q), both emphasize convenient locations.
Therefore, the following steps should be taken. First, golf course marketers should take into consideration the customers ideal point changes in their need in his or her own golf course and those in the competing golf courses. Next, should come up with repositioning strategy for service quality. Finally, an effective communication plan should be drawn from the strategy and marketing mix should be made.
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Research the Trend and Future Indication of Sport Marketing in Korea 스포츠행정 경영 : 국내 스포츠 마케팅 현황 및 전망 고찰
김종ChongKim , 최종원JaeWonChoi
36(4) 404-414, 1997
Research the Trend and Future Indication of Sport Marketing in Korea 스포츠행정 경영 : 국내 스포츠 마케팅 현황 및 전망 고찰
김종ChongKim , 최종원JaeWonChoi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the trend and present condition of sport marketing. Sport marketing has two components- marketing of sport and marketing through sport. A professional team or a tennis club engages in marketing of sport. corporate sponsorship is considered as marketing through sport.
The reasons for company participated in sport marketing business are to increase public awareness of company, the product, to alter or reinforce public perception of the company, to build goodwill among opinion formers and decision makers, to generate media benefits, and so on.
There are several kinds of sport agents: contract agent, licensing agent, marketing agent, and talent agent.
finally, the future for sport marketing in Korea will grow rapidly much more than the present. Therefore, the specialists will be educated and found for the effective sport marketing business. And know-how of advanced sport marketing will learned from other country.
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A Study on the Sport Marketing Strategy for Commercial Sport Facility in Kyoung-Ju city 스포츠행정 경영 : 민간영리 스포츠시설 경영효율화 방안 - 시설만족도를 중심으로 -
36(4) 415-424, 1997
A Study on the Sport Marketing Strategy for Commercial Sport Facility in Kyoung-Ju city 스포츠행정 경영 : 민간영리 스포츠시설 경영효율화 방안 - 시설만족도를 중심으로 -
With a tremendous increase of interest in health and fitness through sports activities among Korean people, the number of Sports for all facilities has rapidly incresed. We made a research on the sports participants who use the swimming pools, golf training courses, bowling alleys, health spas, earobics gyms, Tennis court in Kyoung-Ju city and tried to find out the motives and reasons why they use these facilities, their geographical and environmental conditions, the human relationship within the facilities, the degrees of satisfaction using the facilities.
The 1013 subjects were selected from citizens of Kyoung-Ju. Statistical techniques for data analysis were discriminant analysis.
The results of this study were as follows ; The priority order of the factors which affect the satisfaction of commercial sports facilities is like these, 「the kinds of sports」, 「the frequency of sports participation」, 「the disrance to the facilities」, 「the age」, 「the sports informers」, 「the monthly income」, 「the ocupation」, 「the sports activities level」, 「the marriage」 etc.
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The Effects of Job Stress of Employee of Sports Organizations on Job Satisfaction 스포츠행정 경영 : 체육조직 구성원의 직무스트레스가 직무만족에 미치는 영향
이용식YongSikLee , 김종필JongPilKim , 오연풍YeonPungOh
36(4) 425-435, 1997
The Effects of Job Stress of Employee of Sports Organizations on Job Satisfaction 스포츠행정 경영 : 체육조직 구성원의 직무스트레스가 직무만족에 미치는 영향
이용식YongSikLee , 김종필JongPilKim , 오연풍YeonPungOh
The purpose of this study was to examine to effects of Job stress of employee of sports organizations on Job satisfaction. In order to accomplish this purpose, this study hypothesized as follows:
First, Job Stress of employee of sports organizations will show difference according to personal characteristics. Second, Job Satisfaction of employee of sports organizations will show difference according to personal characteristics. Third, Job Stress of employee of sports organizations will effect on Job Satisfaction.
The sample was drawn from 299 members worked at several sports organizations in Korea, they were selected by the method of random sampling. The questionnaire consisted of fixed-alternative and open-ended questions. The questionnaire consisted of three main sections; personal characteristics, job stress, and job satisfaction. The reliability coefficients of the questionnaire were ranging from .7261∼.8905.
A survey was undertaken from March 15th to March 28th, 1997 using the self-administration method. All of questionnaires were personally delivered to the respondents, who immediately filled them out. T-test, Correlation Analysis, and Regression Analysis were used as statistical methods for the study.
Results obtained from this research were as follow:
1. Job stress show no differences according to job career, job ranking, and athlete experience.
2. Job satisfaction show no differences according to the job career and job ranking. However, job satisfaction show somewhat difference according to the athlete experience.
3. There was appeared negative correlations between the job stress and job satisfaction of employee of sports organizations. Also, the effect of job stress of employee of sports organizations on job satisfaction appeared work condition, job itself, assigned work in regular sequence negatively.
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The Technical Analysis on Men's Volleyball Game 스포츠행정 경영 : 남자 배구 경기의 기술 분석
36(4) 436-443, 1997
The Technical Analysis on Men's Volleyball Game 스포츠행정 경영 : 남자 배구 경기의 기술 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate the results affecting to the win and loss of game in the case of men`s in the 14th Korean Super league Volleyball Game, 1997. The factors analyzing for the results were the Spike Frequency, Getting Paints by Spike, Getting Rights by Spike, Perfect Setting Rate, Blocking Frequency, Perfect Serve Receive Rate, Serve Error Compared to the team win and Loss in the Game.
The procedure which used for recording was the modified individual statistics recording methods which developed from 1988 Olympic games.
The results are as follows:
1. Skill performances which affected to the win and loss in the Game are spike and blocking linking to the point directly, and setting (p <.05).
2. The total spike frequency and service right getting through the spike were not different for deciding the win and loss.
3. There are significant difference in the points getting through the spike among spike results for deciding the win and loss.
4. There are no difference between win and loss in perfect serve receive rate and sevice error.
5. However, there are very significant difference on perfect setting rate between the win and loss (p <.001).
The results of the study indicated that, considered together, the volleyball skills studied were significantly related to the specific team skill perfomances. The analysis of the nature in mems` Gorton, 1970, Scott, 1971 of the Korean Super League Volleyball Game revealed that the volleyball skills most influential in team success was spiking, setting, and blocking, respectively.
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Estimation of a Model of Selection Factors and Post-Purchase Evaluation of the Sports Facilities 스포츠행정 경영 : 스포츠시설 소비자의 선택요인과 구매후평가에 관한 모델검정
조재기JaeKiCho , 김경두KyungDooKim
36(4) 444-452, 1997
Estimation of a Model of Selection Factors and Post-Purchase Evaluation of the Sports Facilities 스포츠행정 경영 : 스포츠시설 소비자의 선택요인과 구매후평가에 관한 모델검정
조재기JaeKiCho , 김경두KyungDooKim
This study focuses on factors to influence sports consumers` decision to use a particular sports facility. To identify the factors two models are compared and examined for the most appropriate one from which the contribution of each variable is determined.
The data are from the questionaire research on the consumers of sports facilities Such as swimingpools, aerobics, golf and bowling centers in Taegu. consumers studied are 750:249 men and 471 wemen selected on systematic stratified cluster random sampling.
The data are analysed using PC SAS and LISREI. 8W Package.
A Preliminary analysis to examine the theoretical validity of the models is made using factor analysis and cronbach`α. Path analysis provides the contribution of each variable to the consumer`s decision.
The results are as follows.
1. The study model is more appropriate than the other model 1.2.
2. All variables in the study model have significant influences on the post-purchase evalution. The study model may be usefully applied by managers of sports facilities.
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Influence of Communication on Organizational Commitment in Commercial Sport Organization 스포츠행정 경영 : 커뮤니케이션 유형이 골프장 조직의 조직몰입에 미치는 영향
36(4) 453-460, 1997
Influence of Communication on Organizational Commitment in Commercial Sport Organization 스포츠행정 경영 : 커뮤니케이션 유형이 골프장 조직의 조직몰입에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to identify influences of communication on organizational commitment. For this study, communication is divided into two categories, formal and informal communication; organizational commitment is divided into three categories, sense of self-praise, sense of duty, and sense of responsibility.
419 subjects were selected from office employees of 54 country clubs. The visit survey was conducted by an experimenter using self administration method. Questionnaire was obtained by experimenter or mail collection. The SPSSWIN statistical package was used to analyze the data. Results are as follows:
1. There was no difference between official and unofficial communication in the golf courses.
2. The organizational commitment of employees was a little higher than the average.
3. Official and unofficial communication have effect on the sense of self-praise.
4. Official and unofficial communication have effect on the sense of duty.
5. Unofficial communication have effect on the sense of responsibility, but official communication haven`t effect on it.
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The Relationships among Leisure Constraint, Leisure Satisfaction Family Functioning, and Life Satisfaction as Perceived by Selected Housewives Residing in Seoul Metropolitan Area 여가 레크리에이션 : 가정주부의 여가제약과 여가만족, 가족기능, 생활만족의 관계
36(4) 463-473, 1997
The Relationships among Leisure Constraint, Leisure Satisfaction Family Functioning, and Life Satisfaction as Perceived by Selected Housewives Residing in Seoul Metropolitan Area 여가 레크리에이션 : 가정주부의 여가제약과 여가만족, 가족기능, 생활만족의 관계
It had been proved theoretically in this study that leisure constraint as perceived by housewives is major psychological barrier to leisure satisfaction and leisure satisfaction is the one and only variable predicting family cohesion and life satisfaction. The subjects of this study were 754 housewives who are 25 years old and over, living in Seoul metorpolitan area. Subjects were selected by the strafied random sampling in order to meet the characteristics of subject samples those who are either actively or passively engaged in leisure activities.
Research instruments were devised by the researcher herself, pretested, and proved that contain content validity and reliability. They were Crawford et al`s 21 item Leisure Constraint Scale, Ragheb and Beard`s LSS(Leisure Satisfaction Scale), Olson`s FACEs III, Diener`s SWLS(Satisfaction with Life Scale) and background variables that the research herself developed.
The major findings of this study were that the most significant factors affcting the degree of life satisfaction of the middle class Korean housewives were family cohesion, leisure satisfaction and perceived leisure constraint. It was also found that the degree of family cohesion could be amelioliated by the leisure satisfaction that influenced by participant`s socioeconomic variables such as income and educational backgrounds.
Within its limitations, this study provided a testable model depicting the causal relationships among leisure constraint, leisure participation, family functioning in terms of cohesion and adaptibility, and life satisfaction of the contemporary Korean housewives.
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An Analysis of the Attitude toward Type of Physical Activity 체육측정평가 : 신체활동(身體活動) 태도(態度)의 유형(類型)의 분석(分析)
36(4) 477-489, 1997
An Analysis of the Attitude toward Type of Physical Activity 체육측정평가 : 신체활동(身體活動) 태도(態度)의 유형(類型)의 분석(分析)
The purpose of this study is to search and grasp the group attitude types of college students` physical activity through Q-technique. The total 60 research sample are composed of 30 men and women players each. This study are used Kenyon`s attitude scale toward physical activity and the statistical techniques containing a correlation and a factor analysis, and the results are as follows.
The types of attitude in physical activity of players group are classified as 1) the type which prefers sociality and vertigo, 2) the type which avoids aestheticism and ascesis, 3) the type which joins a physical exercise actively, 4) the type which avoids ascesis and vertigo, 5) the type which pursues a health and physical fitness, 6) the type which avoids ascesis and pursues catharsis, health and physical fitness, and 7) the type which pursues catharsis.
The conclusions of this study derived from the above results are as follows.
(1) The players group show a positive attitude toward a factor of sociality, a factor of catharsis, a factor of health and physical fitness.
(2) The players group are most interested in a factor of ascesis and the players group shows a negative attitude toward this factor.
(3) The players group are least interested in a aesthetic factor and the players group shows a dual attitude toward this factor.
(4) The players group shows a dual attitude toward vertiginous factor.
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Test Battery of Physical Fitness for Evaluation of Activity Domain in Elementary Schools 체육측정평가 : 초등학교 심동적영역 평가를 위한 체력검사 개발
The purpose of this study was the constitution of the test battery and the establishment of evaluation criterion for children physical fitness. The subjects were 402 boys and 322 girls in all grade levels of elementary schools in Taegu. Five test item for the physique were measured and 15 for the physical fitness were determined. The sex difference was compared in physiques and physical fitness for each grade. The correlation coefficients of physique and physical fitness were investigated. The correlation matrix was made from 15 variables for physical fitness. The principal component analysis was applied to the correlation matrix to yield the unrotated factor pattern matrix. The rotation of factor axis through Normal Varimax Criterion was executed in order to yield the simple structure of factors. Consequently, the orthogonal multi-factor solution was yielded and the factors were identified. Therefore, the regression equation in the stepwise method and the test battery were made from factor analysis and the evaluation criterion for test battery was constituted.
The results of this study were summarized as follows:
1. In the sex difference of physique, height, sitting height, body weight, chest girth and %fat were significantly greater in boy group than in girl`s in grade level 1 and 2(p< .0.5), equal in grade 4 and 5(p >.05), but lower boy`s in grade 6(p<.05). And in the physical fitness, grip and back strength, vertical jump, standing long jump, ball throwing, sit up, flexed arm hang, 50m run and shuttle run were significantly greater in boy group than in girl`s(p< .05), but items of balance and coordination were equal(p >.05). And trunk flexion was significantly lower in boy group than in girl`s in high grades(p<.05).
2. The physical fitness of children consisted of the three factors; 1) motor raising ability, 2) static muscle-endurance, and 3) flexibility.
3. In order to measure the extracted and identified factors, the regression equation of each factors was yielded. And in order to represent the variable score, the mean and standard deviation produced from the raw score wee applied to the equation.
4. The test battery consisted of standing long jump, flexed arm hang, and trunk flexion. Physical fitness was diagnosed from the test battery for children. The score criterion by C-scale was established and the evaluation scale for the total score could consisted of the 5 levels.
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Cross-Validation of Regression Equations for Predicting Body Density 체육측정평가 : 성인남녀(成人男女) 체밀도(體密度) 추정식(推定式)의 교차타당화(交叉妥當化)
원영두YoungDooWon , 강상조SangJoKang
36(4) 504-512, 1997
Cross-Validation of Regression Equations for Predicting Body Density 체육측정평가 : 성인남녀(成人男女) 체밀도(體密度) 추정식(推定式)의 교차타당화(交叉妥當化)
원영두YoungDooWon , 강상조SangJoKang
This paper was an attempt to estimate the validity of the equation developed for estimating Korean adults` (male and female) body composition. The regression eqations to predict body density and the cross-validation to verify the generalization of suggested regression equation were derived and performed. 205 male and 202 female subjects were hydrostatically weighed and skinfold thickness were measured for 12 body sites with Lange calipers. As the result of analyzing, the suggested regression equations are; for men, Bd = 1.091-.00070 (midaxillary)-.00047(age)-.00037(suscapular)-.00026(abdomen) and for women, Bd= 1.072-.00048(age)-.00076(calf) -.00029(suprailiac). According to cross-validation, the suggested regression equations to predict body density were shown as valid. Percent of body fat esstimated from the equations went beyond the healthy fitness zone as 20.56% for men and 27.55% for women.
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Educational Service and Content in Teaching Dance for Children with Disabilities 무용 : 장애학생을 위한 무용지도시 교육서비스 및 내용에 관한 탐색
36(4) 515-527, 1997
Educational Service and Content in Teaching Dance for Children with Disabilities 무용 : 장애학생을 위한 무용지도시 교육서비스 및 내용에 관한 탐색
Dance education for children with disabilities has two purposes; education and therapy. Dance education programs can help children with disabilities with their rehabilitation processes. Unfortunately, current dance education for children with disabilities in Korea is almost negligible. Educational service and materials regarding dance education are hardly existed. This paper reviews educational service and content which should be considered in teaching dance for children with disabilities. Educational service for teaching dance for children with disabilities should involve (1) Integration Education, (2) Educational Program Team, (3) Least Restrictive Environment, and (4) Individual Education Program. In addition dance education curriculum should include such concepts as movement awareness, fundamental movement, rhythm and expression, and dance therapy. Dance therapist should consider type and level of disability when implementing dance education curriculum. Well-planned dance education can lead to appropriate development of body and mind in children with disabilities. Researchers and practitioners in this field need to develop content and methodology of dance education (e.g., textbooks, specific programs for dance education). More field-based research efforts should be directed toward the development and implementation of dance education programs for children with disabilities.